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        Farmers at a rural literacy school.The illiterate refers to people who do not know 500 Chinese characters each. The functional illiterate refers to people who know more than 500 Chinese characters each but fall short of literacy standards. Following the founding of the People's Republic of China, the government vowed to eliminate illiteracy for 80 percent of the population and vigorously carried out a literacy campaign in urban and rural areas of the country. All illiterate and functionally illiterate citizens in the 15-40 age bracket had the right and obligation to receive literacy education regardless of gender, ethnicity and race, with the exception of those who do not have the ability to accept such education, the government decreed. Flexible methods were used. Fellow villagers or city residents served as teachers; whoever was qualified could serve as literacy teachers; and the illiterate learned more during slack seasons and less during busy seasons. Literacy lessons were connected with life and production. The illiterate used national unified textbooks compiled by government education departments, which include Peasants' Literacy Textbook, Practical Chinese, Practical
  Arithmetic, Practical Science and Technology and teaching materials reflecting local conditions and suited to local needs.
        Fan Guiying, a working woman residing in Minquanfang neighborhood of Shahekou District, Dalian, got rid of illiteracy after one year of learning. She said: "I've seen the light like a blind person with restored eyesight." According to literacy standards made public in 1992, a peasant has shed illiteracy if he or she knows 1,500 Chinese characters. For employees and residents in Efforts made to wipe out illiteracy in the rural areas.cities, the standard is to know 2,000 Chinese characters, be able to read easy-to-understand newspapers, keep simple accounts and do simple practical writing.
        In the 1980s and 1990s, literacy education met with new difficulties: most illiterate people lived in poverty-stricken and mountainous areas as well as remote areas inhabited by ethnic minority people, and more were women, with a high reversion rate. Literacy workers combined illiteracy elimination with primary school education popularization and post-literacy continuing education with fairly good